Friday, 23 March 2018

About NS-DOS..

So, why is it named NS-DOS ? N stands for Not, so it's.. "Not MS-DOS"
It's a program that acts like a command prompt, with a bit more modern feel. It could be similar to one of my previous console apps Windows Experience Command Prompt, which was made to be a more fun custom cmd. It may have file managing functionality on your current hard disk, or else it will have its own folder on the desktop where you can write a text file or delete one, but only in that folder. And other commands that are more like accessories, and one extra thing that I'll reveal in its release. Soon, or never, this blog feed will be shown embed in my website.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

This blog may not be dead

I apologize for not posting anything for many months, and yes I have been working on games. Including console apps, The new games library may be cancelled or will be remade from zero. I'm still working on farm SIM and a new console app named NS-DOS, more details will be given soon